Finding Light in the Darkness: The Sacred Role of Brigid in Times of Transition

Brigid's Song: A Snow Moon Poem

beneath the snow-hearted Land
lay all that you are
and have ever been
and ever will be.

Crisp Winter
white frozen
earth stinging air
cloaks your vision
until its time is come.

is not a passive
but a willingness
to sit still with knowing
Like the Wild Maiden
in the mountain storm,
wind whipping

Old Crone testing her mettle
blinding snowfall
But there she sits
in utter focus
Her mind trained
on the verdant valley below
How does it look taste smell feel sound;


Be like the Seer sensing
until the snow clears
and you can see
The vast soft green expanse
Of your dream,
the sloping, dappled landscape
the bird song
the open roadside inn
the orchards
blooming with small white flowers—
A nod to the storm
that got you here.

by Amanda Verdery Young



Brigid, often regarded as one of the most intricate and enigmatic Goddesses of the Celtic pantheon, holds a significant place in Irish history as a powerful religious figure. Throughout the centuries, her story has intertwined with various traditions, embodying multiple roles and evolving to adapt to changing times. Known by many names such as Bride, Brighid, or Briggidda, she epitomizes attributes of healing, poetry, and smithcraft, reflecting practical wisdom and inspired insight.


As a solar deity, Brigid symbolizes light, inspiration, and the transformative power of fire. Her influence extends to diverse aspects of life, seamlessly blending the realms of inner and outer worlds. As the patroness of poetry, she inspires creativity and cultural preservation through oral tradition. The fires of inspiration and hearth are intertwined, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.


In addition to her association with poetry and creativity, Brigid embodies the nurturing aspect of the Great Goddess as the Mistress of the Mantle. Her role as a healer and provider of vital energy underscores her significance in sustaining life and fostering well-being. Stories and myths surrounding Brigid depict her as a guardian of justice, prophecy, and divine justice, reflected in her ancient name Breo-saighead, meaning fiery arrow.


The festival of Imbolc, deeply intertwined with Brigid's essence, marks the transition from winter to spring, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the awakening of life. Imbolc celebrates the arrival of warmer days, the flowing of milk from ewes, and the promise of abundance and fertility. Brigid's association with this festival highlights her role as a catalyst for transformation and the emergence of new beginnings.


Throughout her mythology, Brigid's evolution from Goddess to saint demonstrates her enduring presence and adaptability across different belief systems. As Saint Brigid, she continued to embody aspects of her divine persona, bridging pagan and Christian traditions. Her legacy as a protector of women's rights, a symbol of compassion and hospitality, and a source of spiritual guidance endures to this day.


Herbs and Crystals in Honor of Brigid


Brigid, the revered Celtic goddess of healing, protection, and inspiration, is celebrated through various symbols, including herbs and crystals that embody her essence. These natural elements serve as conduits for connecting with her divine energy, enhancing rituals and practices dedicated to her worship.


Herbs for Brigid


Chamomile, Lavender, and Rosemary stand out among the herbs associated with Brigid, each carrying its unique properties that align with her attributes.


Chamomile: Known for its soothing qualities, chamomile is revered for promoting relaxation and tranquility. Often incorporated into teas and baths, chamomile aids in stress relief and fosters a sense of calmness, reflecting Brigid's nurturing presence.


Lavender: With its delicate fragrance and versatile applications, lavender embodies Brigid's essence of healing, purification, and protection. Used in baths, sachets, and oils, lavender promotes emotional balance and spiritual renewal, creating a sacred space for connecting with Brigid's energy.


Rosemary: Symbolizing healing, protection, and memory enhancement, rosemary adds a vibrant energy to rituals dedicated to Brigid. Whether used in cooking or as an herb for smudging, rosemary invokes Brigid's guidance and support, fostering clarity of thought and spiritual awareness.


Crystals Associated with Brigid


While Brigid is primarily associated with metals, several crystals resonate with her divine energy, serving as potent tools for deepening one's connection with her.


Fire Agate: Reflecting Brigid's fiery essence, fire agate ignites passion, creativity, and vitality. It embodies the transformative power of fire, inspiring courage and resilience in the face of challenges.


Citrine: Radiating warmth and abundance, citrine symbolizes prosperity, creativity, and joy. It aligns with Brigid's energy of growth and expansion, encouraging optimism and manifestation of goals and desires.


Green Stones: Moss agate and aventurine, with their lush green hues, symbolize growth, renewal, and abundance. They resonate with Brigid's connection to nature and the cycles of life, fostering harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit.


Hematite: Grounding and protective, hematite shields against negative energies and promotes inner strength and stability. It serves as a powerful ally in rituals dedicated to Brigid, providing a sense of security and empowerment.


Gold Nuggets: emblematic of alchemical transformation from base metal to precious gold, symbolize not only wealth, prosperity, and divine illumination but also the soul's ascent to higher realms. They stand as powerful talismans, drawing upon Brigid's radiant presence and blessings to attract abundance and success, resonating with her nurturing and supportive energy.


Brigid's Cross


Brigid's cross, a sacred symbol steeped in Celtic tradition, holds profound significance in honoring the goddess's protective and nurturing qualities. Crafted from woven rushes or straw, this four-armed cross with a woven square in the center is revered for its ability to ward off harm and disasters, particularly fire.


While the exact origins and meanings of Brigid's cross remain shrouded in mystery, its enduring presence in Irish folklore underscores its potency as a symbol of protection and divine guidance. Incorporating Brigid's cross into rituals and ceremonies dedicated to her ensures her blessings and presence, invoking her protective mantle over practitioners and their endeavors.


As we embark on the sacred journey of connecting with the timeless energy of Brigid, we step into a realm of profound wisdom and divine guidance. Brigid, often depicted as the radiant flame that illuminates the darkness, beckons us to delve into the depths of our souls and awaken to our inherent power. With each step we take in her presence, we are invited to embrace our true essence and harness the transformative energy that flows through all of creation.


Powerful Affirmations:


1.   "I am a vessel of divine light, channeling the radiant energy of Brigid to illuminate my path and guide me towards healing and transformation."


2.   "I embrace the sacred flame within me, allowing it to ignite my passions, inspire my creativity, and fuel my journey towards self-discovery and empowerment."


3.   "With each breath, I affirm my connection to Brigid's nurturing presence, knowing that her love and guidance surround me, providing strength, protection, and boundless opportunities for growth."


Embracing Brigid's legacy isn't just an acknowledgment of ancient lore; it's a profound recognition of the eternal flame that flickers within each of us. As we delve into her realms of poetry, healing, and protection, we unearth treasures of wisdom and resilience buried deep within our souls. Through rituals, herbs, crystals, and symbols, we construct a lattice of connection to Brigid, invoking her guidance in times of transition and transformation.


In the darkest of nights, it is Brigid's light that leads us forward, illuminating the path to renewal and awakening. Let us heed her call, embracing the power of creativity, nurturing, and resilience as we journey through life's labyrinth. With Brigid's fire blazing within, we emerge from the shadows, emboldened by her timeless wisdom, and empowered to shine brightly in a world waiting to be transformed.


February 2024 Newsletter


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