Expanding Your Consciousness: The Profound Benefits of Working with Levels of Consciousness



Have you ever marveled at the vast expanse of human consciousness, with its boundless potential waiting to be explored? Our journey through life is a voyage of discovery, punctuated by different levels of awareness and perception. These levels of consciousness hold the key to profound insights and life-altering experiences. In this captivating exploration, we delve into the extraordinary benefits of engaging with these levels, igniting a journey of personal growth and enlightenment.


In March of 2014, I attended a lecture in Madison, NJ.  A gentleman, Bill, gave a fascinating talk about human consciousness and the life’s work of the late, Dr. David R. Hawkins.  Bill had created “The Enlightened Game” later renamed the “Raise Your Vibration Meditation”, with a partner. They were in the early stages, at that time, of creating an app for their “game”.  He was looking for volunteers to be part of a test group.  I signed up immediately.  I wasn’t completely aware then of what I was committing to or how profoundly it would change my life.


A little background…


Dr. Hawkins developed a chart that he shared in his book, Power vs. Force, detailing the stages of human consciousness, encompassing the various levels of the ego’s expression.  He also included his insights into surpassing the constraints of the ego and navigating potential obstacles during the journey towards elevated states of awareness.


Over the course of three decades, measurements were taken for the levels, and each of them was designated a logarithmic value.  These values were determined using behavioral kinesiology, a method that streamlined the assessment of the energetic output resulting from human thoughts and their reactions to various triggers.


Enlightenment begins with the initial glimmer of light, a divine inspiration that gives rise to your existence.  True enlightenment involves perceiving and acknowledging this inner radiance, recognizing your soul’s completeness that transcends the limitations of the physical body and mind.  It is through the realization of your inherent divine essence that consciousness awakens.


As awareness expands and shifts from the narrow perspective to a broader one, the illusions begin to fade away.  Complete enlightenment erases the identification with the physical form, dissolving the concept of self, and uniting you with the entirety of existence.


Dr. Hawkins created a map to help guide you on your journey.


Dr. Hawkins' map of consciousness serves as a guiding light on this transformative journey, illuminating each stage of our evolution:

  • From the depths of Shame and Guilt to the heights of Courage and Acceptance,

  • From the shackles of Fear and Desire to the boundless expanses of Love and Joy,

  • From the tumult of Anger and Pride to the serenity of Peace and Enlightenment.

As we embark on this enlightening journey, let's delve into each level, beginning with the foundational stage. As you immerse yourself in these descriptions, reflect on which level speaks to your soul:


At the lowest rung, we encounter Shame (1-20), where feelings of humiliation and paranoia cloud the mind.


Moving up, we confront Guilt (30), where the weight of regret and culpability lingers.


Ascending further, we reach Apathy (50), a realm shrouded in hopelessness and dependency, where reliance on others becomes a crutch.


Continuing our ascent, we encounter Grief (75), where the echoes of loss and sorrow reverberate through the soul.


Next, Fear (100) grips us in its icy grasp, trapping us in a cycle of anxiety and apprehension.


Yearning and craving dominate at the level of Desire (125), where the pursuit of external validation consumes the heart.


Anger (150) rages within at the next stage, fueling resentment and frustration as we struggle to find peace amidst the turmoil.


Pride (175) swells within us, blinding us to the unity of all beings as we cling to our individual identities.


With Courage (200), we take our first steps towards liberation, breaking free from the chains of victimhood and embracing empowerment.


As Acceptance (350) dawns, we relinquish control and surrender to the flow of life, finding solace in the realization that we are the architects of our destiny.


Reason (400) guides us forward, illuminating the path with clarity and understanding as we seek knowledge and wisdom.


Love (500) envelops us in its warm embrace, transcending boundaries and fostering connection with all living beings.


In the realm of Joy (540), we bask in the radiance of inner peace and contentment, finding beauty in every moment.


Peace (600) reigns supreme at the pinnacle of consciousness, where bliss becomes our eternal companion and unity with the cosmos is realized.


And finally, Enlightenment (Levels 700-1000) awaits, beckoning us with its ineffable wisdom and boundless love, inviting us to merge with the divine and transcend the limitations of the human experience.


Benefits of Working with Levels of Consciousness


1.   Self-Awareness and Personal Growth


One of the most significant benefits of working with levels of consciousness is increased self-awareness. By exploring and understanding your current level of consciousness, you can identify areas for personal growth and development. This self-awareness enables you to make conscious choices to elevate your consciousness to higher levels, leading to a more fulfilling life.


2.   Emotional Well-Being


Different levels of consciousness are associated with varying emotional states. Lower levels may be characterized by fear, anger, or apathy, while higher levels are linked to love, joy, and peace. By consciously working to elevate your consciousness, you can cultivate positive emotions and reduce negative ones. This can have a profound impact on your overall emotional well-being and mental health.


3.   Improved Relationships


As you expand your consciousness, you become more empathetic and compassionate. This enhanced understanding of others' perspectives and emotions can lead to improved relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. You'll find it easier to connect with people on a deeper level, resolve conflicts, and foster healthier, more harmonious relationships.


4.   Enhanced Decision-Making


Higher levels of consciousness are associated with greater clarity and insight. When you operate from a place of elevated awareness, your decision-making becomes more informed and aligned with your true values. You'll be better equipped to make choices that serve your highest good and contribute positively to your life.


5.   Spiritual Growth


For those on a spiritual journey, working with levels of consciousness can be especially transformative. As you ascend to higher levels, you may experience profound spiritual insights, a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of existence, and a heightened connection to your own spiritual essence. This can lead to a more profound and meaningful spiritual journey.


6.   Increased Joy and Fulfillment


At higher levels of consciousness, individuals often experience a profound sense of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. These feelings are not dependent on external circumstances but arise from within. By striving to elevate your consciousness, you can tap into a lasting source of inner happiness and satisfaction.


For over a year, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of Bill's test group, where my journey towards higher consciousness was measured monthly using muscle testing while practicing his meditation. With each recitation of the meditation, I consciously anchored in the energy from its list of words - the 'perfections' such as joy, peace, and harmony. What astonished me was how each month, my calibrations, reflecting my levels of consciousness, consistently rose.


The emails I received served as tangible evidence of the transformative power and undeniable benefits of actively working to raise one's frequency and vibration. These emails remain a constant reminder of the profound impact of this practice. This experience continues to shape the work that I engage in and the courses that Sue and I develop.


As I reflect on this journey, I realize that raising our vibration is not just a personal endeavor; it's a ripple effect that touches those around us. When we elevate our frequency, we offer others the opportunity to do the same. We become beacons of light, positively influencing the collective consciousness as we interact with people, objects, and situations. Self-improvement, far from being selfish, is a noble act that radiates outward, uplifting and inspiring others along the way.



Exploring and working with the levels of consciousness can be a life-changing endeavor. It offers a path to greater self-awareness, emotional well-being, improved relationships, enhanced decision-making, spiritual growth, and lasting joy and fulfillment. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, remember that it's not about achieving perfection but about progressing towards higher states of consciousness that align with your true self. Embrace the process, and you'll unlock the profound benefits of expanding your consciousness.



Illuminate Your Path: Embracing Enlightenment, Inspiration, and Flourishing with Blossoming into Light


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