Embracing the Arrival of Spring: Understanding the SpringEquinox and Ostara

“Don’t you know what that is? It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
~Mark Twain


As the world turns its gaze towards the changing of the seasons, we find ourselves at the threshold of a momentous occasion: the Spring Equinox. This celestial event, occurring between March 19-22 in the Northern Hemisphere, holds profound significance for people around the world. It is a time when the direct rays of the sun intersect with the equator, resulting in equal lengths of day and night. Yet, perhaps more importantly, it heralds the triumphant arrival of spring, where the light of the sun begins to assert its dominance over the darkness of winter.


At the heart of the Spring Equinox lies a moment of exquisite balance: the zenith of the sun's journey across the sky. This precise alignment with the equator signals the onset of spring, igniting a cascade of life-affirming energy that reverberates throughout the natural world. As the Earth awakens from its winter slumber, the once dormant landscape bursts forth in a symphony of colors and scents. Plants, once asleep beneath the frozen earth, begin to stir, sending tender shoots skyward in a joyful celebration of reawakening. Animals emerge from their hibernation, their spirits lifted by the promise of warmer days and abundant food sources.


But what of Ostara, this enigmatic celebration that accompanies the Spring Equinox? Ostara, rooted in ancient pagan traditions, is a solar holiday that pays homage to the warmth and light of the sun, as well as the awakening of the earth from its winter repose. Themes of balance, renewal, and rebirth permeate the festivities, which are marked by an array of symbolic imagery and rituals.


Central to the symbolism of Ostara are the vibrant colors and delicate fragrances of spring flowers, which serve as harbingers of the season's arrival. Fairies flit among the blossoms, their ethereal presence infusing the air with magic and wonder. Butterflies dance on the breeze, their graceful movements symbolizing transformation and metamorphosis. And of course, there are the iconic symbols of rabbits and eggs, representing fertility, abundance, and the circle of life.


Yet, despite the beauty and richness of Ostara, its origins remain shrouded in mystery and debate. Some scholars speculate that the name "Ostara" may be derived from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, while others suggest that she may be a more localized deity associated with Kent County, England. Regardless of her origins, Eostre has become inextricably intertwined with modern-day Pagan traditions surrounding Ostara, serving as a guiding light for those who seek to honor the cycles of nature.


At its core, Ostara serves as a potent reminder of the importance of balance in our lives. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, the Spring Equinox beckons us to seek equilibrium in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Whether through spending time outdoors in the warm spring sunshine, embarking on new creative projects, or engaging in the age-old tradition of spring cleaning, there are countless ways to realign ourselves with the rhythms of nature.


What could be more fitting to honor the rejuvenation of the earth than by sowing our own seeds? Whether done indoors or out, the simple act of planting seeds holds deep symbolic meaning, serving as a tangible manifestation of our intentions for growth, transformation, and abundance.


Among the array of flowers that grace the earth with their beauty, several hold special significances in heralding the arrival of this sacred season. Marigolds, with their fiery hues and radiant blooms, symbolize the sun's warmth and vitality, infusing our hearts with courage and optimism as we embark on new beginnings. Bachelor's Buttons, with their charming blue petals, speak to the purity of the soul and the steadfastness of our intentions, reminding us to stay true to ourselves as we navigate the journey of self-discovery. Cleomes, with their delicate clusters of blossoms, invite us to embrace the beauty of impermanence and the ever-changing nature of life, encouraging us to let go of the past and embrace the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Moss Roses, with their soft, velvety petals, symbolize resilience and perseverance, inspiring us to bloom wherever we are planted and to find strength in adversity. Zinnias, with their vibrant colors and cheerful disposition, embody the joy of living fully and authentically, reminding us to savor each precious moment and to find beauty in the simplest of pleasures.


As we tenderly nurture these seeds, we not only cultivate the soil but also plant the seeds of our aspirations, setting intentions that will blossom and flourish alongside the burgeoning springtime landscape.


The symbolism of the hare during Ostara celebrations is steeped in ancient folklore and spiritual significance. In many cultures, the hare has long been associated with fertility, abundance, and the cycle of rebirth. As the Earth awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth in a riot of color and life, the hare emerges as a potent symbol of renewal and vitality. Its swift movements and keen senses embody the spirit of spring, inspiring us to embrace the energy of the season and embark on our own new adventures.


Additionally, the hare's association with the moon further deepens its symbolic meaning, linking it to cycles of transformation and the mysteries of the divine feminine. Just as the moon waxes and wanes in the night sky, so too does the hare embody the cyclical nature of existence, reminding us of the eternal rhythm of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. During Ostara, the hare serves as a powerful reminder of the abundance and fertility that abound in the natural world, inviting us to celebrate the blessings of the season and to embrace the magic of renewal in our own lives.


Of course, no discussion of Ostara would be complete without acknowledging the time-honored tradition of egg decorating. From intricately painted pysanky eggs in Ukraine to confetti-filled cascarónes in Mexico, eggs have long been associated with the promise of new life and new beginnings. By participating in these egg-centric rituals, we honor the cyclical nature of existence, embracing the eternal cycle.


As we bid farewell to winter and embrace the arrival of spring, let us take a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty and majesty of the natural world. Let us revel in the warmth of the sun on our faces, the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle caress of the spring breeze. And let us remember that, just as the earth awakens from its winter slumber, so too do we have the power to awaken to the endless possibilities that lie before us.


So, as we gather with loved ones to celebrate Ostara and the Spring Equinox, let us do so with open hearts and grateful spirits. Let us honor the ancient traditions that connect us to the cycles of nature and let us rejoice in the boundless beauty of the world around us. For in this moment of balance and renewal, we find the promise of new beginnings and the eternal cycle of life.

If you would like our Spring Equinox/Ostara Meditation Recording, use the button below. We will email it to you upon purchase.


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